Saturday, May 7, 2011

Alien EyEs

    At this moment I would like to take a minuet of your time to discus the ever growing problem of alien sunglasses. Now, you may wonder what alien sunglasses are, or why I call them alien sunglasses... Well its simple. Humans assume the aliens from outer space either have big eyes, or many eyes. In this case I am talking about the big eyed aliens.
    Ever since I was a little kid and these very alien like sunglasses stated to become popular, I wondered “Why is it cool to almost completely cover your face with these glasses? Like no.” but the trend grew into a fashion statement. Celebrities of many creeds began to rock them, and then all of a sudden ever girl with their hand in daddy’s pocket wanted five-hundred pairs, at the cost of way to much money from eye protection. I mean like come on! These things are meant to protect your eyes from the sun, not your entire face. And don’t even get me started about the ridiculous tan lines they make. Too late.
    Okay, so picture this; Chick at the beach, Prada sunglasses that not only cover half her face, but cost more then two-hundred dollars. Now obviously at the beach she wants that hot tan, but she also wants to text at the same time, and when you’re out in the sun and texting without sunglasses it can get very annoying. So she leaves them on and two hours later gets into her car and takes them off. Well now she has an alien eyes tan line. Not sexy.
    What was I saying before? Oh, celebrities... First on the tabloids with the alien look was Paris Hilton. To start, her head is not very big, and has very petite facial features, so the glasses look super obnoxious. But whatever -__-. So yeah this look became more and more popular that this bitch started her own line of “Look like an alien with me” sunglasses. No Paris! I do not want to be an alien! You can’t make me!
    Anyways, I interviewed an member of the US Army, and she thinks that alien sunglasses are strange, and she laughed at me for calling them alien sunglasses. If I recall correctly, there was a time when if you were poor, the only sunglasses you could afford where horrible and huge, and people would call you Drew Carry, or that’s what  I did.
    Singer and song writer Mike Posner has a song called Cooler Then Me, and one of the lines are “You’ve got designer shades, just to hide your face.” Like girl no.
See, not even aliens wear those huge glasses. They’re like “nahhhh son.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Continuing on more or less the same topic as the last(and first) post... this post will too have to do with the physical presence of the individual...being as that this is my first actual blog type writing, I'm going to "do me" and that statement is actually more fitting to this post than one may think, because it pertains heavily to the content of this post...

More recently it has been brought to my attention that self-presence and self-knowing most definitely contribute to many factors regarding the individual.To break it down, the point of the post is to fully define and analyze what exactly separates you from me, what makes the individual an individual.
More commonly, the term, otherwise known as swag, has been used very loosely but honestly can be applied to anyone whom expresses a sense of confidence and appeal as properly displayed within their wardrobe/attire, demeanor, or expression. The term "Swag" essentially defines the persona of one and literally everything and anything embodied within said persona.

In stating that any one may possess swag, i will stress the fact that swag may often times simply be made referenced to in order to simply state how one looks/carries themselves. What I mean to say is your grade school sibling as well as your college professor can both possess swag. That foreign guy from down the block who thinks its okay to wear tube socks with thong sandals to the local grocery store may also possess swag. Swag is a noun that defines the expression of being. Swagger and swag appeal both describe the essence of being you, the individual.

Really though, anyone regardless of age, race, and ethnicity can potentially possess swag...more so than what you wear, swag defines how you wear it. "It" being more than just your attire but rather your views, insights, and beliefs. This noun that composes who one is, as a person, is freely used and will only continue to grow in use and popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

 Many musical artists as well as celebrities in music and television use the term in regard to their presence and the presence of others...what's key in keeping your levels of swag up at all times is the demeanor in which you carry yourself  as expressed in this clothing or any fashion sense for that matter: shoes and accessories.To close this blog, I'll state that: being that swag is an ultimate state of self-expression, one should never change themselves for others, nor should one ever be judged or ridiculed, for being who they are. So in closing you'll find that "being me", as mentioned in my intro, is relevant to this subject matter.

Remember to remain true to yourself and fuck haters... stay true. do you.

- #bottom of the ninth#

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Scared Pedestrians and Flood Pants

Since attending this fine collegiate establishment we hold dear to our hearts as, Hofstra University, I have learned much more about the odd things in life. One major being the fact of scared pedestrians. 

Scared Pedestrian (n, adj) - A person that one may encounter while walking past, usually met with a stare at the ground, a cell phone "fake" text, or a complete avoidance altogether. 

I don't see myself as overly intimidating, but for some reason, a lot of people that I pass by on my way to class are just awkward as hell. I look up from my own subdued version of a scared pedestrian (texting) to see where I am going. But to also check out the people walking around me. I make a quick eye contact at the girl walking towards me, and she puts her head down as soon as our eyes meet. Another time I saw a kid from afar notice that he would be passing me shortly, and put his head down, or to text in advance. 

Kids have just continuously become awkward. When you walk by somebody, take a chance to make an observation if they are looking up or to the ground. 

To me, this is strange. People our age have to hide from the "real" world around them because they are too comfortable with the artificial world they have surrounded themselves with via social media. To me I feel like that is the reason people are afraid of others in a real-life setting. They rely so much on instant messaging and abbreviations during texting that our generation is loosing the art of conversation. But this may be for another blog post….

For the 2nd part of my post, I would like to address the need and existence of Flood Pants.

Flood Pant (n) - Pants that fall around the ankle. Often called high-waters/ high waters as well. This refers to the fact that you can wear them when there is a flood, or "high waters."

For Example, "Wow, those flood pants are so cute, but your ankles must get cold during the winter…"
or "Dude, look at that guys insanely short jeans!"
"Flood pants bro…flood pants.."

Many times I have been hanging with the bros during a nice day at the mall, and see a women casually walking with shortened jeans. I don't understand why people feel the need to wear such short pants…They're not capris, they're not shorts, they're jeans! So jeans are meant to touch your shoes, not lay above them. I will never understand why some people dress the way they do, but I guess it makes them happy. 

Aside from being ugly, flood pants actually have some benefits. One being, your pants won't get wet when there is a flood. As long as you have some time of shoe on your foot, your clothing is guaranteed to be dry upon impact. 

Sometimes, if you can catch it, an encounter with a scared pedestrian wearing flood pants may come about. I know I've had my run-ins...
