Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Continuing on more or less the same topic as the last(and first) post... this post will too have to do with the physical presence of the individual...being as that this is my first actual blog type writing, I'm going to "do me" and that statement is actually more fitting to this post than one may think, because it pertains heavily to the content of this post...

More recently it has been brought to my attention that self-presence and self-knowing most definitely contribute to many factors regarding the individual.To break it down, the point of the post is to fully define and analyze what exactly separates you from me, what makes the individual an individual.
More commonly, the term, otherwise known as swag, has been used very loosely but honestly can be applied to anyone whom expresses a sense of confidence and appeal as properly displayed within their wardrobe/attire, demeanor, or expression. The term "Swag" essentially defines the persona of one and literally everything and anything embodied within said persona.

In stating that any one may possess swag, i will stress the fact that swag may often times simply be made referenced to in order to simply state how one looks/carries themselves. What I mean to say is your grade school sibling as well as your college professor can both possess swag. That foreign guy from down the block who thinks its okay to wear tube socks with thong sandals to the local grocery store may also possess swag. Swag is a noun that defines the expression of being. Swagger and swag appeal both describe the essence of being you, the individual.

Really though, anyone regardless of age, race, and ethnicity can potentially possess swag...more so than what you wear, swag defines how you wear it. "It" being more than just your attire but rather your views, insights, and beliefs. This noun that composes who one is, as a person, is freely used and will only continue to grow in use and popularity due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

 Many musical artists as well as celebrities in music and television use the term in regard to their presence and the presence of others...what's key in keeping your levels of swag up at all times is the demeanor in which you carry yourself  as expressed in this clothing or any fashion sense for that matter: shoes and accessories.To close this blog, I'll state that: being that swag is an ultimate state of self-expression, one should never change themselves for others, nor should one ever be judged or ridiculed, for being who they are. So in closing you'll find that "being me", as mentioned in my intro, is relevant to this subject matter.

Remember to remain true to yourself and fuck haters... stay true. do you.

- #bottom of the ninth#


  1. Swag is something that everyone possesses, although, people wearing socks with sandals don't have swag. They should be calling the fashion police or buy magazines and look at the newest fashion. The only way wearing socks with sandals is acceptable is the athletic slides. People, especially young adults know what swag is due to music such as rap or hip-hop, and television shows. Ohad, is right though people should "do them" and not worry what other think. Do what makes you happy, whatever that may be

  2. Ohad I really like this entry! I completely agree. Swag can be anything and everything in the way a person carries themselves. I really like and believe the part that you should have your own individual swag, and make it your own. More importantly, its essential to remember to not change who you are in general for other people and what they say. I think I have a lot of different beliefs than most people my age, think everything through music, and am all around different. I think this is part of my swag that I do not want to change. Individuality is what makes the world special.

    P.S... swag is my new favorite word.

  3. I personally like the word "swag". I like to use swag at the end of a sentence when it is necessary for it's use. For example, I would say " I got an A on my test, swag." In this case of the blog, I think everyone is born with some sort of swag, they just have to know how to use it. Swag is what makes a person who they are and sets them apart from everyone else. Everybody swag is different and it's like a way for them to represent their own personality. Thanks to the musicians/actors, the word swag become hugely popular, everybody is not afraid to express their own swag. Swag is someones personal identity and what makes them who they are.
