Saturday, May 7, 2011

Alien EyEs

    At this moment I would like to take a minuet of your time to discus the ever growing problem of alien sunglasses. Now, you may wonder what alien sunglasses are, or why I call them alien sunglasses... Well its simple. Humans assume the aliens from outer space either have big eyes, or many eyes. In this case I am talking about the big eyed aliens.
    Ever since I was a little kid and these very alien like sunglasses stated to become popular, I wondered “Why is it cool to almost completely cover your face with these glasses? Like no.” but the trend grew into a fashion statement. Celebrities of many creeds began to rock them, and then all of a sudden ever girl with their hand in daddy’s pocket wanted five-hundred pairs, at the cost of way to much money from eye protection. I mean like come on! These things are meant to protect your eyes from the sun, not your entire face. And don’t even get me started about the ridiculous tan lines they make. Too late.
    Okay, so picture this; Chick at the beach, Prada sunglasses that not only cover half her face, but cost more then two-hundred dollars. Now obviously at the beach she wants that hot tan, but she also wants to text at the same time, and when you’re out in the sun and texting without sunglasses it can get very annoying. So she leaves them on and two hours later gets into her car and takes them off. Well now she has an alien eyes tan line. Not sexy.
    What was I saying before? Oh, celebrities... First on the tabloids with the alien look was Paris Hilton. To start, her head is not very big, and has very petite facial features, so the glasses look super obnoxious. But whatever -__-. So yeah this look became more and more popular that this bitch started her own line of “Look like an alien with me” sunglasses. No Paris! I do not want to be an alien! You can’t make me!
    Anyways, I interviewed an member of the US Army, and she thinks that alien sunglasses are strange, and she laughed at me for calling them alien sunglasses. If I recall correctly, there was a time when if you were poor, the only sunglasses you could afford where horrible and huge, and people would call you Drew Carry, or that’s what  I did.
    Singer and song writer Mike Posner has a song called Cooler Then Me, and one of the lines are “You’ve got designer shades, just to hide your face.” Like girl no.
See, not even aliens wear those huge glasses. They’re like “nahhhh son.”


  1. I love sunglasses, and kind of have a sunglass fetish. But I cannot force myself buying sunglasses that cover half my face, or as they are called "alien sunglasses". I think buying sunglasses, like most things people have so much money that spending $200 is normal and not a big deal. Celebrities, especially have every opportunity to spend money on whatever they want and they are willing to spend money on glorified object that they may think they need, but not necessarily need. People are so obsessed with having the "hottest item" or what will make them look cool, that they should step back and examine what is truly important in life.

  2. I wear sunglasses all summer. I get all different colors, but they are all like 5-15 dollars. Yeah, that's how I roll. Anyhow, I don't think I would ever wear alien sunglasses because they most likely would not look good...but I don't think they are that obnoxious. Maybe for everyday wear, yes, but for celebrites or if you're at the beach, maybe not. Not sure yet. I know for a fact I would never buy anything with Paris Hilton affiliated never the less spend however hundred they cost. That's way to much money for me. Plus, all my sunglasses either a. break or b. get lost within a month SO i'm good. But I like this blog post. It's a good topic. If you ask me, sunglasses are probably my favorite accessory. See you in a few hours!!!

    JULISS. aka lady gaga.
    p.s. even if I were ever famous I hope I'd still buy my 10 dollar sunglasses... =]

  3. My opinion on sunglasses is that I don't understand why people must wear them indoors and at night time, for both guys and girls. I really don't care about the size of frame but wearing them indoors is a little strange. It looks like you have no care in the world and like you are not even there. When you are inside there is no reason or having them on unless you have some weird eye condition then you can wear them, but most people don't. Also wearing them during night time when the sun is clearly not out anymore and your eyes do not to be protecting is also strange. The size of the frame doesn't really bother me, just when people wear sunglasses at strange times
